There are times, and I speak for myself too, when we feel extremely low without being able to point out the reason behind. This low feeling
Whatever the reason, this ‘bad’ sensation is being experienced now and we may either feel like a ‘couch potato’ or a ‘caged lion’. For me, the latter usually expresses it well! The risk is to sink further down and
We all have felt that way at some point in our life and it will most probably happen again. Are we then condemned to this vicious cycle? No, of course. We are never condemned, we always have a choice whether positive or negative. So let’s try to opt for a positive option, and hopefully a positive outcome, that could be summed up in 5 points, to begin with…

1.Go through the pain
Yes, it may sound quite paradoxical, especially after having specified the risk of dreariness, but a necessary step. It is quite difficult to get better without acknowledging the sorrow or pain you are experiencing.
2.Do not feel guilty
It is quite common to feel guilty for having listened to your melancholy. Society forces us to control our feelings, to move on, to carry out actions, to deny any temporary negativity we may feel. However, we all feel negative or low at some point and there is clearly nothing wrong about that. If you procrastinate for a short period of time to recentre, to reflect, to ponder, to dig into yourself ‘with care’, you’ll then be able to make the right decisions and face the world again. So
3.Accept the situation
That is probably the hardest part. Acceptance is a difficult stage especially if we talk about a situation you feel stuck in. Again, as paradoxical as this may sound, accept the feeling, and then think of other options you may have. There are probably other routes you haven’t pondered yet. To be able to see those ‘other’ options, you need to accept your mixed emotions — otherwise, you may feel drained quite fast as a result of accumulated stress instead of focusing on other possibilities.

Photo by from Pexels
4.Make a plan
Having accepted the situation and thought of other itineraries, you are now ready to make a plan. Good, but what kind of plan? Well, you could jot down the areas of your life that you want to address or change. If the sadness was caused by a specific situation, find the
5.Move forward and accept any changes
You can now break down the path from ‘here’ — where you are now — to ‘there’ — where you’d like to be — into small manageable steps. Remember, if the steps are too unrealistic or too ambitious, you could go back to square one. So don’t be too tough on yourself and respect your own pace. Besides, progress in life is not linear; you may suffer from unexpected setbacks despite a well-thought-out plan… And this is totally fine. Accept any potential adjustments you may need to make at times. They may happen for a reason, try to decipher it, and make
And now it’s up to you! You are the captain of your ship, steer it in the right direction and remember that the journey may not be linear. And that is how we learn and get better!